Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shadows in The Dark - 2

She was a girl who loved the dance of light on every leaf, every petal and every little drop of water. But this time, this time moving shadows fascinated her. Every nightfall brought at her doorsteps wind from farthest east and then she was ready for a walk. Sometimes she could progress reading the patterns over the sky whereas sometimes the wind helped her to reach him because they had never met in the same place. All she knew was that he did not want her to remember the places they have met, but he never missed on their regular meetings.

Those nights had been longer enough she remembers; a few steps alone then sweeping away her boredom he would appear from void. There were no conspiracies in the air even the clouds did not want to spy on them always leaving a clear sky above. What of those moments she did not know; like the fragrance of night flowers and life then was more like a realization of her dreams, all those vague dreams.

She was sure he is not someone who lived over the clouds; his face seldom revealed to her in the night; even now it is not possible for her to give a perfect portrayal of him. She could not believe that a stranger who wandered in the dark caught so much of her attention. She once famous for her notorious silence eventually escaped her perfect sphere of comfort leaving no mark of her abode….

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shadows in The Dark

She was not even sure if it was right side of the road she was walking. She said it was a long and lonely walk in the dark in a completely new direction; perhaps she was straying in perfect chaos. What drew her to that darkest corner is still a mystery to her because her natural instinct would always stop her from acquiring that much of courage to move in the dark. Although she knew, that have been preserved in the dark is completely deprived of light, she still expected a human. But what appeared before her was an unusual being nothing like what she had ever encountered in her life.

She could hear it all; vague whispers in the air but was swiftly carried away by the wind. Theft was a regular custom out there in the dark but did not seem to be his business. There was no urgency not even a small effort to escape, she felt wholly   in place wanting to have a conversation. As he walked towards her she felt like living one of her stupid dreams; may be taming a wild boar or a wolf. What concealed behind those hazy eyes incited her to talk. She felt those eyes had much more than what the heavens have to say; much beyond her imaginations of an underworld. When he asked her, what brought her to such a dark place, she told him that she had always loved the queer silence in the dark and had seen none ever before.

She did not know if it convinced him for an extended conversation but it seemed to her that he was calm. A few steps together were enough to measure the gravity, strong enough to tread further in the dark. But even in that darkness she could see stains of blood on him what she felt like ignoring for better days of light…..

(I am lazy sometimes…. :))


Something I've always wanted to do, is to play around with wool and it's amazing artistic transformational capabilities. It just su...